Henry Ortiz is a visual artist with an anthropology of art studies and a master's degree candidate in art & and education. His project, which has a multidisciplinary scope, focuses on the study of pre-Columbian technologies such as basketry, textiles and ceramics. He researches issues of ritual, multiculturalism and education in the South American territory. For the development of contemporary art, he specializes in the use of various plant fibers with a sustainable approach. As a result, he has explored various languages and materialities, including graphic art, installations and South American indigenous crafts. He intends to call into question the hegemonic categories in which the local arts are placed, as well as the liminal fields of these practices concerning the fine arts or media that have been approved by the academic establishment.

beyond conservation 2022
UNTITLED or una cosa infinite muere cuando el oro sale de la garganta de los locos (“an infinite thing dies when gold comes out of the throats of madmen") is a textile intervention and a record of performative action around a piece of plastic fabric that we found in La Pampa, Amazonia, Peru. This is a dangerous area devastated by illegal mining, the impact of mining has affected the area's natural life and the health of neighbouring communities, including native peoples and indigenous communities who are forced to live with this complex prob