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Angélica Mishaja is an Ese‘Eja artisan from the Native community of Infierno. She has a special relationship to nature and holds an enormous amount of knowledge and respect for the forest she comes from in the Madre de Dios region in the Peruvian Amazon. She is an expert in natural dying and weaving using Tamishi fiber from the vine and fibres from Palma de bombonaje. 


Angelica is an expert in wood carving. She approaches her work in a sustainable way and says she would never cut a tree down for her materials. Instead uses the wood left by loggers, to honour the forest through her art and her craft which she dedicates to the animals of the Amazon Rainforest in the region where she was born and lives.

The Ese Eja form an Amazonian indigenous group belonging to the linguistic family Takana and are dispersed between Peru and Bolivia with four communities in Peruvian territory: Infierno, El Pilar, Palma Real and Sonene

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